India’s Northeast and Southeast Asia: Strengthening an Integrated Economic Space
   ·   01 Jun, 2009   ·   107    ·    Issue Brief

Economic development of the Northeast and its integration with the rest of India has been accorded priority in the recently released northeast vision 2020 document. As a means to achieving these objectives the government has laid considerable emphasis on connectivity of the region with the rest of India as also its neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia.

The hope of invigorating India’s northeast by connecting with Southeast Asia through trade is strengthened as post 1997 east Asian crisis the ASEAN nations in search of their lost economic dynamism have needed to look beyond their traditional sources of growth. Looking west towards India for opportunities and economic synergies is a part of this process for Southeast Asia.

This convergence of interests of the two regions thus needs to be both explored and exploited as it can help shape the future of India’s northeast. It is imperative and timely therefore to undertake an analysis of the scope for creation of an integrated economic space that stretches from northeast India to Southeast Asia

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