India and Pakistan Nuclear Doctrine: A Comparative Analysis
15 Sep, 1999 · 260
Dr Subhash Kapila says in South Asia, Pakistan may be more prone to press the nuclear button due a low nuclear threshold
Indian Nuclear Doctrine
The major policy declarations made in the Draft Nuclear Doctrine are:
1. Fundamental purpose of Indian Nuclear Weapons is to deter the use of and threat of use of nuclear weapons by any a state or entity against and its forces.
5. Nuclear weapons shall be tightly controlled and released for use at the highest political level.
The significance of the draft Nuclear Doctrine of India lies in its 'declaratory policy' i.e. that
Proponents of
Pakistani analysts oppose acceptance of any "Not First Use" pact with
In terms of command and of nuclear weapons, no clear recommendations are emerging in the Pak analyses on the subject. The talk is of apex body centered on the Defense Committee of the Cabinet. In 1994, the former Pakistani Army Chief had talked of a "National Nuclear Command Authority" (NNCA) comprising the President PM and the Army and Air Force Chief's. In effect the de-facto control will lie with the Pak Army Chief and the collegium of Pak Army's nine Corps Commanders.
Nuclear Weaponisation of South Asia is a reality. It can neither be wished away nor rolled back even by external pressures.
Irrespective of the rhetoric that may emerge in any forth coming official Pakistani nuclear doctrine-two dangers need to be noted by concerned international observes. Firstly, in